NUCIDA Bangkok

For us, digiti­zation does not simply mean moder­nizing what already exists, but above all reshaping the future. That is why we have made it our goal to pro­vide our customers with sustai­nable sup­port in the digiti­zation of the entire value chain. Our work always has only one goal: your suc­cess!

Our company

The classic boss who gives instruc­tions and controls results does not exist in our consulting firm. Rather, each individual and the team is chal­lenged. Especial­ly in our business context, there are many leader­ship roles that change over time. So cooperation instead of dele­gation, bottom-up com­muni­cation instead of top-down an­nounce­ments with courage for agile and digital progress.

Your advantage

We have already success­fully embarked on the path of digi­tal trans­for­mation with many customers. More and more compa­nies are recog­nizing the neces­sary change to remain fit for the future. We sup­port our customers with our exper­tise in digi­tal proces­ses and soft­ware develop­ment. We are keen to share our know­ledge so that you can bene­fit from it too!

What makes us stand out?

Our mode of operation

We want to work together with you as partners and find the best possible so­lu­tion. In our opinion, the sole appli­ca­tion of "best practices" does not ne­ce­ssar­ily lead to the goal. That is why we develop in­di­vi­dual solutions - tailored to your specific needs - to ensure the sus­tain­abili­ty of your success beyond the end of the project. Our con­sul­ting is a matter of trust. We think globally and act locally (showing the dis­tri­bu­tion of our clients across the various global economic regions). Dis­cre­tion and neu­tra­li­ty are a matter of course for us.

  • Groups
  • Hidden Champions
  • Startups
What projects do we carry out?

Our projects

In many projects, NUCIDA consul­tants and experts succ­ess­ful­ly support companies such as bdr Group, BMW, CAS, Daimler, DAT Group, Deutsche Bahn, Etihad Airways, HIB, IBM, Körber.Digital, Microsoft, PTV, Roche, SCB, Smart and Thai Airways in the con­text of deman­ding IT projects. (We will be happy to send you a refer­ence list upon request; pre­sen­ta­tion of project contents or topics regar­ding their share based on all im­ple­men­ted projects). When may we supp­ort you?

  • Business Development
  • Quality Management
  • Software Testing
  • Process Automation
  • Marketing
  • Interim Management